Cat Fletcher talks Rubbish

Alice Doyle07.2015 Business, Community, Education, Events, The C-side Challenge, Uncategorised

Did you know that in Brighton and Hove our recycling rate was 25.2% last year while the national average is 42%? And the council spend £26 million a year of the city budget on household waste services. With 75% of all our rubbish going to landfill, there is much we can do across the city to reduce, reuse and recycle.

As part of this month’s theme on waste we are running our second Conversation Cafe on Tuesday 21st July at the Marwood. The aim is to engage people around the theme of Reuse and the Circular Economy, and also to recruit to our two Autumn Carbon Conversation workshops as part of our C-Side Challenge.

The event will be led by Cat Fletcher, a waste and reuse activist behind Freegle, the internationally acclaimed Brighton Waste House and also the more recent Reuse Depot.

The structure for the event will run 6.00-7.30. Cat will give a 20 minute talk and then in small groups discussion will be led on:
1 Reasons for Reuse as opposed to recycling.

2 What opportunities and networks exist to reuse, to be part of the sharing and circular economies in Brighton and Hove.

3 How to reduce your carbon footprint, and save you time and money.

The event will be held at the Marwood Cafe and there will be free tea and cake for all that participate. Why not come along and be part of the Conversation?

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