Book reviews

At Regular intervals we will add reviews of new books which have been added to our library.

For convenience these have been categorised under the following sub headings:


Books for Adults

Books for Young Persons

Books for Children

LenGoldmanSketchReviewed by Len Goldman

Our Book review editor is  BPEC's longest serving volunteer, Len Goldman, who is about to celebrate his
99th Birthday.

As it would be impossible to even attempt to fit all of Len's many well-lived years into one small article, we'll just take a look at his time with BPEC. Should you wish to find out more about Len's life, his travels and his activism, you can always dip into his fascinating three-volume autobiography, available from the BPEC centre.

Len began volunteering at BPEC when he retired over thirty years ago and we were still known as the Peace Centre. Over those years he has seen the centre evolve from one with a primary focus on social justice, to one which now also encompasses ecological issues. He believes this to have been a natural progression, and recognises the interrelatedness of these major global issues and their importance for young people.

When asked why he volunteered with BPEC, Len put it down to being active in the peace movement since before World War II and having spent his years since trying to raise awareness, prevent war and urge governments to change their policies and he saw no point stopping once he had retired!

Len is an inspiration to all of us at the Centre and he's always ready to sit down and discuss whatever project we happen to be working on. Len remains optimistic about the state of the world and insists that we all must do what we can to raise global consciousness.

Len, we salute you!