Rethink Challenge so far

Rethink Admin01.2015 The C-side Challenge

Are you ready to take on The Rethink Challenge?

The council is inviting people around the city to see whether they can change how they live and work in ways that that could them save money and enhance their quality of life – in just 10 weeks.

Participants are taking part in a series of free workshops that will teach them everything from making homes and offices warmer in winter and reducing energy bills to cutting food waste and living more active lives.

The courses are challenging and thought-provoking, as well as fun, practical and stimulating. After you complete the challenge, the benefits to you, your local community and the city will last for years to come.

The course is run by Brighton Peace and Environment Centre (BPEC) and Brighton and Hove 1010, with support from our partner, local company BSW, which is generously donating time and expertise so that all participants in The Rethink Challenge can receive a free whole house assessment of their energy use and how they could make their home more energy efficient (subject to eligibility criteria being satisfied). In other words, BSW is helping you make your home warmer and more comfortable to live in – who can argue with that?

Two workshop series have already taken place: one in Hollingdean and one in the Brighton Station area. A total of 16 people took part with everyone saying they found the course useful. Half of these enjoyed it so much they are going to train to become facilitators this year so they can help others in their community and workplaces live more sustainable lives.

The feedback that we’ve had is that the course is fun with lots of discussion about how hard it is to live healthier and greener lifestyles. We all face so many pressures in our busy lives that it often seems a step too far to consider the impact our daily actions are having on our health and the environment around us. The course, they said, gives you new ideas and reinvigorates your resolve to do something about it.

Often small no- or low-cost changes can have a large impact – a fact that surprises many participants. It’s a common misconception that you have to make dramatic changes to your lifestyle; it’s not always the case. And it’s true, too, that greener choices often enhance your quality of life rather than cramp your style!

There are two more workshop series taking place this year – one in March in the Coldean area. Contact us using the tab above if you live in the area and are interested in taking part – and one in September in Hove, probably around the station area (to be confirmed). Again please get in touch if you want to find out more.

We hope to see you on one of our workshops.