Refill Brighton
Refill your plastic water bottles instead of throwing them away.
Welcome to BPEC
Conscience: Taxes for peace Not War
We spoke with Holly Wallis, Parliamentary Officer with Conscience on the #PeaceTaxBill, that is due to be read in May.
Breathe in Brighton
Our campaign to tackle air pollution across the city

Action you can take - Energy

greenbulbWe're always being told to turn the lights off and use less energy, and it gets a bit repetitive and exhausting after a while. But here's a secret: if we all start doing it then we won't have to hear the same old tips over and over again.

Just in case you've forgotten them already, here they are again:

Turn off lights when you're not in the room
Use energy saving light bulbs
Bye Bye Standby will help those of us terminally forgetful to turn computers and TVs off
Turn off chargers when they have done their job, or get a solar powered charger
Only boil as much water in the kettle as necessary
Wait until you have a full load for the washing machine
Turn the thermostat down a notch and stick a jumper on in cold weather
If you're buying new stuff for your home, go for the highest energy rating you can afford on your budget
Switch to a green energy supplier, such as Good Energy or Ecotricity
Insulate your home. Everything you could ever hope to know on this subject can be found at the Energy Saving Trust. And if you live in a rented house or insulating is just way out of your budget, consider getting some curtains or door snakes to block out those pesky draughts
Make your own energy. Solar hot water or photovoltaics might be suitable for your home